About us

Colour Perfection Shop is part of Colour Consultancy Limited

The Colour Consultancy offices are based in Farnsfield, Newark, Nottinghamshire UK. As well as Colour Management consultancy services we supply products and services from EFI, Epson, X-Rite, Barbieri, ONYX, Chromix and a few others......

Who are Colour Consultancy Limited? A little history.....

Colour Consultancy Limited started trading in 2005 to help support UK based resellers with their sales of printing equipment and repro services. Basically we follow the installations and provide the Colour Management Consultancy.

Our clients include Universities, Museums, Publishers, Broadcasters, Printers, high street Copy Shops and anybody that needs to manage Colour.

As the years have passed the printers that we work on have become ever larger and wider! We now support installations over the whole of Europe!

Back in 2005 we mainly worked on toner and aqueous printers only. As time progressed we started to work on solvent and UV printers. UV printers are our favourite devices to work on! We like UV printing as you can pretty much print on any substrate and there is zero drying time!

Today we split our time between working on Epson proofers and EFI UV/Fabric printers. We have our favourite RIP solutions.....please see our shop for more information......

The products on this website are part of the collection of tools/software that we use every day during our normal work. In time, we plan on adding even more options to this site. We don't just "box shift" any product. We choose the products we supply very carefully. Most of the products we supply are backed by World Class support. Most of our media options include papers that are Fogra Certified. This helps to ensure that our proofing customers can hit their colours consistently every time.

Colour Measurement devices

Choosing a colour measurement device can be very confusing! It really comes down to whether you are using a software RIP or printing directly to the printer.

Printing directly to the printer (No software RIP)

If you are printing directly to the printer then in most cases you are working in RGB. The type of measurement device you order will need some form of software to build the ICC profiles. Many of the solutions from X-Rite come with the excellent i1Profiler. Please see the website for more information.

Measurement device to be used with a software RIP

Most software RIP's include their own Linearization utility (Calibration). Some also include the tools for building ICC's directly in RIP. When printing via a RIP the ICC profiles are normally classed as RGB, CMYK (most likely) and CMYK with diluted or extended Colours.

A basic measurement device can be used with the RIP as the license for the profiling software will be sometimes be available in the RIP. This can get a little confusing.....please contact us for more advice.